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Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards ( 1/2 day )


½ day

Course Overview

The DoLS were introduced to provide a legal framework for those vulnerable people who suffer from a disorder or disability of the mind, such as dementia or a profound learning disability, and who lack the mental capacity to consent to the care or treatment they need and that they should be afforded care and treatment that does not limit their rights or freedom of action. This half-day course aims to provide attendees with a more detailed understanding of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards and how to fulfil their legal requirements under the MCA 2005 and DoLS.

Learning Outcomes

  • Overview of the Mental Capacity Act 2005
  • What are the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards and why are they were introduced?
  • How and when can deprivation of liberty be applied for and authorised?
  • What is the assessment process for a standard authorisation of deprivation of liberty?
  • When can urgent authorisations of deprivation of liberty be given?
  • What is the role of the relevant person's representative?
  • When should an authorisation be reviewed and what happens when it ends?
  • What happens if someone thinks a person is being deprived of their liberty without authorisation?
  • What is the Court of Protection and when can people apply to it?
  • How will the safeguards be monitored?
  • Overview of the Law Commission proposal to overhaul the DoLS and introduce Protective Care

Methods of Delivery

The trainer will use PowerPoint presentation, case studies and flipchart work to accompany handouts and reference material. Delegates will be encouraged to participate in open forum discussion as well as group, sub-group and pairs' work.
  • Course Content
  • Audience
  • Training Considerations
  • Certification
  • Related Courses

Course Content

  • To understand the assessing of capacity when making best interests decisions which might involve application for deprivation of liberty
  • To understand the framework of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
  • To understand the legal context and requirements under the safeguards
  • To be able to understand the role of the best interests assessor
  • To be aware of the six required assessments within the safeguards
  • To understand the Supreme Court ruling in 2014 and the 'acid test'

Target Audience

Anyone who works to support those whose decision-making abilities may be affected by conditions like dementia, learning disabilities, head injuries, stroke or severe mental health problems.

Training Considerations

Delegates should have an understanding of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA).


Upon completion of the course, the delegates will receive a certificate of attendance.

Related Courses

Mental Capacity Act
Safeguarding Adults
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards ( 1/2 day )
Duration: ½ day

Course overview:
The DoLS were introduced to provide a legal framework for those vulnerable people who suffer from a disorder or disability of the mind, such as dementia or a profound learning disability, and who lack the mental capacity to consent to the care or treatment they need and that they should be afforded care and treatment that does not limit their rights or freedom of action. This half-day course aims to provide attendees with a more detailed understanding of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards and how to fulfil their legal requirements under the MCA 2005 and DoLS.

Learning Outcomes:
· Overview of the Mental Capacity Act 2005
· What are the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards and why are they were introduced?
· How and when can deprivation of liberty be applied for and authorised?
· What is the assessment process for a standard authorisation of deprivation of liberty?
· When can urgent authorisations of deprivation of liberty be given?
· What is the role of the relevant person's representative?
· When should an authorisation be reviewed and what happens when it ends?
· What happens if someone thinks a person is being deprived of their liberty without authorisation?
· What is the Court of Protection and when can people apply to it?
· How will the safeguards be monitored?
· Overview of the Law Commission proposal to overhaul the DoLS and introduce Protective Care

Methods of delivery:
The trainer will use PowerPoint presentation, case studies and flipchart work to accompany handouts and reference material. Delegates will be encouraged to participate in open forum discussion as well as group, sub-group and pairs' work.

· To understand the assessing of capacity when making best interests decisions which might involve application for deprivation of liberty
· To understand the framework of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
· To understand the legal context and requirements under the safeguards
· To be able to understand the role of the best interests assessor
· To be aware of the six required assessments within the safeguards
· To understand the Supreme Court ruling in 2014 and the 'acid test'

Anyone who works to support those whose decision-making abilities may be affected by conditions like dementia, learning disabilities, head injuries, stroke or severe mental health problems.

Delegates should have an understanding of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA).

Upon completion of the course, the delegates will receive a certificate of attendance.

Mental Capacity Act
Safeguarding Adults

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