Over 250 contemporary and engaging open training courses a year

Virtual Open Course Schedule

Central Training’s Virtual Open Courses are delivered by subject matter specialist trainers and incorporate an interactive, blended learning approach.

  • Face to Face delivery via video conferencing (Zoom)
  • Interactive group work sessions
  • Case studies & quizzes
  • Individual self-directed learning
  • Practical on-line exercises
  • Multi-media

Course Profiles

Click on the course title for a full profile of the course together with the learning outcomes.

Payment Methods

Individual Places – Contact Central Training 020 7354 6433 to make a card payment.

Group Bookings – contact training@centralcare.co.uk if you wish to purchase a number of places.

Upcoming Virtual Open Courses

 DateCourse TitleTimesCost
(Ex VAT)
Wed 18-SepEating Disorders09.30-16.00£125
Wed 25-SepManaging Appraisals & Effective Supervision09.30-16.00£150
Thu 03-OctUniversal Credit: Update and Overview09.30-16.00£125
Tue 08-OctYoung People's Mental Health09.30-16.00£125
Wed 09-OctMotivational Interviewing: An Introduction to Helping People Change 09.30-16.00£125
Tue 15-OctManagement & Leadership: An Introduction
*** Only 4 places remaining. ***
Tue 12-NovMental Health Awareness: Signs, Symptoms & Support09.30-16.00£125
Tue 19-NovLGBTQI+ Awareness09.30-16.00£125
Thu 21-NovWelfare Benefits: An Introduction09.30-16.00£125
Wed 27-NovPerformance Management09.30-16.00£150

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  • Training020 7354 6433
  • Recruitment020 7354 6438
  • Managed Services020 7354 6447
  • Payroll & Accounts020 7354 6440