Equality and Diversity
Safeguarding Adults
Introduction to Mental Health
Challenging Behaviour
Safeguarding Children
Health and Safety
Infection Control
Medication Awareness
Mental Capacity Act
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards

Course Catalogue

We offer 10 eLearning courses for individuals and businesses. Individual course licences can be purchased through our website and bulk purchases for businesses at a discounted rate by contacting Central eLearning.

We provide a free, self-managing, web-based Learning Management System for businesses who bulk purchase our eLearning courses. Please contact Central eLearning for further information.

 Equality and Diversity
  Central eLearning’s Equality and Diversity course has been designed to help you to understand your rights and responsibilities in relation to Equality and Diversity and contains content that will give you the confidence to work positively within your employer’s equality and diversity policies and procedures.
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 Safeguarding Adults
  Updated for The Care Act 2014 - Central eLearning’s Safeguarding Adults course has been developed in partnership with the London Borough of Islington’s Safeguarding team, is comprehensively used by a number of charities and housing associations in and around London and incorporates ‘Adults at Risk – London Multi Agency Policy and procedures’.
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 Health and Safety - The Essentials
  Central eLearning’s Health and Safety course is designed to give employers and employees a comprehensive understanding of workplace issues related to health and safety.
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 Medication Awareness
  Safe handling of medicines is an extremely important aspect of health and social care work and involves sourcing, storing, administering, recording and disposing of medicines.
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 Infection Control
  Preventing and controlling infection is a continuous challenge for us all and requires knowledge and tools to ensure we protect ourselves and those we come into contact with.
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 Challenging Behaviour
  Challenging behaviour can be an everyday occurrence in the health and social care sector, impacting on service users, workers and others.
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 Introduction to Mental Health
  Central eLearning’s Introduction to Mental Health course will provide you with a contextual overview of mental health in relation to overall health and wellbeing and describe the role positive mental health promotion plays in preventing and treating mental ill-health.
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 Safeguarding Children
  Central eLearning’s Safeguarding Children course uses scenarios and case studies to create an awareness of the issues and ambiguities related to this confronting subject.
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 Mental Capacity Act
  Central eLearning’s Mental Capacity Act course is designed to increase your awareness of how the Act empowers and protects people who lack capacity to decide or consent, or may do so in the future, as well as protecting those who provide care and treatment to individuals assessed as lacking capacity.
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 Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
  The Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) were introduced in April 2009 as an amendment to the Mental Capacity Act.
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